Author: Kendal Pickens, Associate Editor
The Menendez case captured the media’s attention when two wealthy brothers, Erik and Lyle, killed their parents in a heinous way.[i] The murder of Kitty and José Menendez occurred in 1989, and the first trial was in 1993.[ii] The Menendez brothers claimed imperfect self-defense because José allegedly had been sexually assaulting them.[iii] After their first trial ended in a mistrial, the court barred the imperfect self-defense claim in the second trial because Erik’s testimony was the only evidence of the sexual abuse.[iv] After spending almost twenty years in prison, another alleged victim of José came forward,[v] giving the brothers a chance at parole.[vi] If the Menendez brothers had been allowed to claim imperfect self-defense at their second trial, they might not have been sentenced to as many years in prison as they were.
What is imperfect self-defense? To understand imperfect self-defense, one must first understand self-defense as a legal claim. Self-defense is a legal defense used by defendants who reasonably believed they faced an imminent threat of harm, prompting their own harmful physical response.[vii] The harm the defendant inflicted in self-defense must be reasonable, meaning the harm committed must be proportionate to the danger.[viii] Imperfect self-defense is used in cases where the elements of self-defense cannot be strictly met.[ix] This is either through the person’s lack of reasonableness in believing their life was in danger or a disproportionate amount of force used compared to the threat against them.[x] In the Menendez case, the brothers did genuinely think their lives were in danger, but not reasonably so, according to the court in the second trial.[xi] However, critics argue that since they committed the murders to stop the ongoing sexual abuse as well as fearing their parents were going to kill them, this was a reasonable response to the trauma they faced, and their imperfect self-defense claim should have been allowed.[xii]
The brothers became the subject of widespread mockery after testifying about the abuse in their first trial.[xiii] The public took no pity on the brothers despite the circumstances they went through up until the murders.[xiv] An Innocence Project advocate, Kim Kardashian, believes the Menendez case would have resulted differently if the brothers had been women.[xv] Society not only failed to recognize the brothers as genuine victims of sexual abuse but also dismissed the impact of the long-term abuse.[xvi]
After reviewing Erik Menendez’s testimony, the California Court of Appeals ruled there was insufficient evidence to support the brothers’ belief that the danger from their parents was imminent.[xvii] However, this decision fails to factor in the physiological impact of years of sexual and emotional abuse the brothers endured at the hands of their parents.[xviii] The feeling of being trapped and controlled by their parents led the brothers to believe their parents would inevitably kill them.[xix] The court’s dismissal of their imperfect self-defense claims reflected a societal reluctance during this time to fully recognize that sexual abuse affects boys as well as girls.[xx]
Society’s reluctance to acknowledge sexual assault in adolescent boys may explain why many men are hesitant to report their experiences.[xxi] Society has gradually become more willing to acknowledge that men can also be victims of sexual abuse.[xxii] Men who experience sexual assault often do not tell others or report the abuse to authorities.[xxiii] Until 1994, there was no “rape of a male” in English law.[xxiv] The brothers were sentenced to life without parole in 1996, just two years after the establishment of this concept.[xxv]
The stigma surrounding male sexual assault even continues today. According to the Center for Disease Control report, one in nine men experience sexual assault, and even fewer come forward.[xxvi] Men who have experienced sexual assaults are more likely to behave more anxiously and angrier in situations.[xxvii] Many choose not to seek help or report the assault because of the stigma surrounding sexual assaults.[xxviii] This could explain why 59% of incarcerated men have experienced sexual abuse as children.[xxix] For a fair evaluation of self-defense claims, it is crucial to recognize the unique dynamics experienced by victims of sexual assault.[xxx] Had the court recognized the Menendez brothers as victims and permitted their use of imperfect self-defense, they likely would have received a less severe sentence.[xxxi]
The Menendez case highlights the complexities of imperfect self-defense and the societal stigmas surrounding male victims of sexual abuse.[xxxii] The brothers’ inability to fully present their defense and the court’s dismissal of their claims of ongoing trauma demonstrate the challenges faced by male survivors seeking justice.[xxxiii] This case not only underscores the need for a deeper understanding of abuse dynamics but also calls for a justice system that is more empathetic to all victims, regardless of gender.[xxxiv] The Menendez brothers’ story serves as a reminder of how the intersection of trauma, stigma, and legal definitions can impact lives.[xxxv] It underlines the importance of continually evolving our legal and societal frameworks to ensure fairness and compassion for all.[xxxvi]
[i] Tim Shelloh, Menendez brothers timeline: A look at the murders, the trials and the effort to free them, NBC NEWS (Updated Nov. 25, 2024, 3:47 PM),
[ii] Id.
[iii] Id.
[iv] Menendez v. Terhune, 422 F.3d 1012, 1029 (9th Cir. 2005).
[v] Jason Kravarik and Elizabeth Wagmeister, The rape claims that tie the Menendez case to Menudo: ‘There might be other victims,’ doc producer says, CNN NEWS (Oct. 25, 2024, 5:30 PM),
[vi] Id.
[vii] United States v. Peterson, 483 F.2d 1222 (D.C. Cir. 1973).
[viii] Id.
[ix] Yiran Zhang, Advocacy of the Imperfect Self-defense Theory for Nondeadly aggressors in U.S. Criminal Law, 11 J. OF EDUC., HUMAN., & SOC. JUS. 323, 329 (2023),
[x] Id.
[xi] Menendez, supra note iv.
[xii] Kim Kardashian, Personal essay: Kim Kardashian says it’s time for the Menendez brothers to be freed, NBC NEWS (Oct. 3, 2024, 6:15 PM),
[xiii] Shelloh, supra note i.
[xiv] Kardashian, supra note xii.
[xv] Id.
[xvi] Cynthia McCormick Hibbert, Why the Menendez brothers’ allegations of sexual abuse are being taken seriously more than three decades after they killed their parents, NORTHEASTERN GLOBAL NEWS (Oct. 22, 2024),
[xvii] Menendez, supra note iv, at 1028.
[xviii] Id.
[xix] Hibbert, supra note xvi.
[xx] Id.
[xxi] John C. Thomas and Jonathan Kopel, Male Victims of Sexual Assault: A Review of the Literature, 13 BEHAV. SCI. (BASEL) 304 (2023),
[xxii] Id.
[xxiii] Chad Stiles, Helping men break the stigma of reporting sexual violence, VA NEWS (June 10, 2024),
[xxiv] John C. Thomas and Jonathan Kopel, Male Victims of Sexual Assault: A Review of the Literature, 13 BEHAV. SCI. (BASEL) 304 (2023), (citing Iain A. McLean, The male victim of sexual assault, 27 BEST PRACT. RES. CLIN. OBSTET. GYNAECOL. 39 (2013)).
[xxv] Emily Shapiro, Menendez brothers timeline: From the 1989 murders to their new fight for freedom, ABC NEWS (November 27, 2024, 1:21 PM),
[xxvi] Thomas, supra note xxi.
[xxvii] Stiles, supra note xxiii.
[xxviii] Id.
[xxix] Thomas, supra note xxi.
[xxx] Hibbert, supra note xvi.
[xxxi] Kardashian, supra note xii.
[xxxii] Hibbert, supra note xvi.
[xxxiii] Stiles, supra note xxiii.
[xxxiv] Hibbert, supra note xvi.
[xxxv] Id.
[xxxvi] Kardashian, supra note xii.